Wednesday, December 19, 2012

All About The Bike

Today seemed to be about bike riding. We started with a 10K ride around a lagoon with many shrimp farms. The clouds were threatening rain so it felt like a push on the bike. Plus the next phase was 10K up hill to Cloud Mountain Pass. Once at the top we were greater by hawkers as well as bunkers built during the French War and used during the American war. Onto a swooping downhill. Then a flat boring ride with head winds for the next 16K until lunch. The people are so friendly. At one point I stopped taking a break sitting on the curb (we were in the outskirts of Dang). A security guard of the building just came to talk to me, probably to practice his English. As the same happened when I got stopped at the railroad tracks (photo). I am surrounded by motor bikes and scooters. A little girl starts talking with me. It is always the kids but here it seems to be all ages.

Then the ride was ended with a ride in the van to the beautiful hotel. In the evening we took a trip into Hai An. They are known for making clothing from photos. I got a few things, we will see. The fabrics are the limitation. They do have some beautiful fabrics just not a large selection. Plan ahead by bring photos!

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